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Are the restrictions in terms of delivery addresses?Yes, we deliver worldwide! Please ensure your address is accessible by international shipping services.
How do I return my order?Simply follow the return instructions on our website or in your order package. Contact our customer service if you need assistance.
How do I exchange an item?To exchange an item, please return the original item for a refund and place a new order for the item you want.
How many days do I have to exchange or return an item?You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return or exchange your item.
How long does it take for a refund to be issued?Refunds are typically processed within 5-10 business days after we receive your returned item.
How do customs duties and taxes affect my order?Customs duties and taxes are calculated according to your shipping destination and are included at checkout. No unexpected fees!
Which payment methods do you accept?We accept various payment methods, including credit/debit cards, PayPal, and other local payment options.
How do I take care of my clothing pieces?Follow the care instructions provided with each item for best results. Generally, gentle wash and natural drying are recommended.
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